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COIN knot

A peek into Traditional Chinese knots.png

Origins of knots

Due to the perishable nature of the media (plant fibres, animal hide strips, and yarns), the history of knots is very poorly documented and mostly lost to antiquity. They were first used as a form of communication and a method of record keeping. Then came baskets for carrying, ropes for snares, and lacing for garments, all crucial to the development of human civilization.

Chinese knotting is a decorative handicraft art that began as a form of Chinese folk art in the Tang and Song dynasty (960–1279 CE) in China.

Incan Khipu knots
Stone statue of General guarding Ming tomb

Across Cultures

The Chinese are not the only ancient civilisation that uses decorative knots. Korean (maedeup), Japanese (mizuhiki), Egyptian, Tibetian, Inca and of course Celtic cultures all have their own knots. Some knots look very similar, but are given different names according to the culture that they are from.

Types of Chinese knots

There are many knots that can be categorised as Chinese knots. Here are 6 types, and how each type can be presented, adapted, combined and used in different ways. 


I use the Clover knot to create a knotted version of my business logo as well as various Chinese surnames. The Clover knot has 4 sides and can be adapted to turn in any of the 4 directions, allowing depictions of monogram drawings, English alphabet, Chinese characters, and more. Theoretically, it can be used to create knotted words of any written language.

The traditional Chinese Cheongsam fasteners are made with leftover fabric. Each set can be a simple fabric ball knot paired with a fabric loop, or complicated works of fabric art. Frog buttons made by Hong Kong and Shanghai masters have a Button knot as the ball and quilled decorative element.
I generally use knotting techniques to create the decorative part of my fasteners.

Morse code is the WWI telecommunication character encoding scheme where text characters are represented by a sequences of dots and dashes. I use the Celtic Button knot to depict the dots, and the curly Twirl knot to depict the dashes, in order to spelled out the secret alphabets.

What can you do with your Chinese Coin knot?

Here are some ways you can use the craft that you did at our mini workshops. Let us know if you think of other ways.​

Coin knot application.jpg

Combinations and designs

Individual knots can be combined to form different designs. You can choose to create your own designs, where the end-result is a truly unique handicraft. You can also base your creations on designs that you saw in print or online. However, those probably do not have attached instructions so figuring out the steps will not be easy.

Stamps of knots

I was ecstatic when I received a set of stamps picturing Chinese knots, and set about challenging myself to recreate the 10 designs. Without instructions, I could only analyse the pictures of the finished products and work in reverse. Took me one and a half years, and it is truly a labour of love.

Did you participate in the mini-workshop or took a look at our exhibit?  

Scan or Click the QRcode and tell us how you feel.

ADateWithTradition feedback QR.png

Be inspired. Be creative. Be bold. 

Join my workshops to learn the basic knot, bring back the know-how for your own creations. 

Learn it, Make it, Flaunt it.

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